Latest releases from the fabriq team

Customised dashboard slideshow and other improvements for you!

Mariana avatar
Shared by Mariana • June 08, 2023

5 improvements

👋 It is time to update you with our latest improvements to the fabriq app:

😍 For smoother every day usage:

  • Dashboard auto zoom. Activating this new setting will provide you with a smooth, responsive experience every time you open a dashboard. No need to manually adjust zoom level – it will automatically adapt to your screen width to make the content fit snugly.

💎 For a more personalized experience:

  • Custom dashboard slideshows. Team owners can now choose which specific dashboards to include in slideshows.
  • Localized notification content. Notification content is now available in all of the languages.
  • Expanded search scope for site admins. Site admins can now search for and open any ticket, announcement, KPI or routine on their site, and are no longer limited to content in the teams they are a member of.
  • Incomplete datapoints on dynamic KPIs bar charts. You can now easily spot a dynamic KPI datapoint that has partial data as the corresponding back will appear slightly transparent.

We hope this last batch will help you get more out of using our app. Please feel free to share your feedback with us.