Latest releases from the fabriq team

Organization page and other improvements!

Mariana avatar
Shared by Mariana • October 03, 2023

👋 It is time to update you with our latest improvements to the fabriq app:

🚀 The Organization page is now live for our enterprise customers!

This page contains a Properties tab, where you'll find all of your organization's properties, e.g. labels, categories, etc. You'll be able to create, delete, update these properties, as well as define their team assignments. It’s an essential tool to manage and standardize all properties at an organizational level, in full autonomy directly from the app.

Want to see how it works? If you are responsible for your fabriq environnement at the organisational level, you just have to ask our Customer Success team to activate this new feature for you!

You will also have access to the Members tab, where you can search for any users in the organization, modify their team scope, and grant the “client admin role” to specific users.

Click here for more info!

💎 For a more personalized experience:

  • New analytics filtering. You can now filter ticket analytics using all available properties and new filter operations, including "contains/doesn't contain" or "is/is not.” NB: expect this filtering tool to soon arrive in your task plans as well! 🤗

⏰ To save you time:

  • Pre-define process step due dates. Is your standard that any safety issue should be described within 5 days? Now you can pre-fill this information in your process template, making it easier to adhere to your standards. Just ask our Customer Success team to set it up for you!
  • Export processes as CSV. Now, you have extract all your team's ongoing ticket processes in CSV format. Here's how: go to your task plan tab, select the process view, and click 'Download as CSV' from the menu accessed via the three dots button. All the information is ready for you to use!

😍 For smoother every day usage:

  • Save the time horizon parameter for workload and calendar views. Ensure that the workload and calendar views remain consistent between visits by saving the applied filter. Now this parameter will be saved along with other view parameters.

If you want to share some feedback with us, don’t hesitate to click on “give feedback” directly at fabriq.