Latest releases from the fabriq team

Ticket properties in the PDF report and other improvements!

Mariana avatar
Shared by Mariana • November 07, 2023

👋 It is time to update you with our latest improvements to the fabriq app:

⏰ To save you time:

  • Display all ticket properties in the process PDF report. With an optional setting, you can now have all your ticket information, including the description, category, equipment, and other properties, in the PDF report that you can print or share via email.

😍 For smoother every day usage:

  • Clearer date and time selection when scheduling routine instances. In order to avoid confusion and facilitate routine instance scheduling, the second date entry isn’t displayed (by default). It will only be displayed if the end time entered is on the next day or if the user selects the ‘all day’ option.
  • Clearer task plan view saving button. After making changes in the task plan view, you will now have the button options to directly save the new view or restore the old one.

💎 For a more personalized experience:

  • New currency options for KPI values. You can select Turkish Lira (TRY) and Chinese Yuan (CNY) as new currency unit types. 🌏

If you want to share some feedback with us, don’t hesitate to click on “give feedback” directly at fabriq.