Latest releases from the fabriq team

Scopes for routine DKPIs and other improvements!

Mariana avatar
Shared by Mariana • April 02, 2024

👋 It is time to update you with our latest improvements to the fabriq app:

📰 Product News

💎 For a more personalised experience:

  • Scopes for routine DKPIs. Last month, we improved the ability to set scopes for your routine instances using users, equipment, products, and even specific zones to an instance. Now you can use thes scope elements to set filters on routine-based DKPIs. This will allow you to track routine scores more precisely via KPIs!

Feel free to share any questions or feedback with our team regarding this improvement!

  • Daily, weekly and monthly view in routine analytics. You may now select the frequency of routine analytics charts. Previously, the only option was weekly.
  • Hide standard dashboard. Not all teams need (and use) the standard dashboard format we provide. You now have the option to hide this standard dashboard in your team settings. Logically, this will also be reflected in your dashboard slideshows.
  • New (longer) KPI time horizons: We've added longer and more granular time horizons for time series KPIs, including for example “past 6 months”, “ongoing year” or “ongoing month”, etc. In addition, the number of saveable default time horizons is now larger and reflects the frequency of the KPI.

To save you time:

  • Customer list of users in workload view. Teams can contain a lot of users and you may not need to view all of those users in your workload view. This new setting allows you to define precisely which users to show and which users to hide in this view.
  • Team filters in routine visualisation. We've shipped a new team filtering tool in the score chart of the routine window. Many routines are shared across multiple teams. This will make it a lot easier to segment scores team by team. Note: for ease of use, when opening a routine from a specific team page, the filter will automatically be set to that team.

If you want to share some feedback with us, don’t hesitate to click on “give feedback” directly at fabriq.