Latest releases from the fabriq team

New roles and other improvements

Mariana avatar
Shared by Mariana • June 04, 2024

đź‘‹ It is time to update you with our latest improvements to the fabriq app:

Roles and permissions revamp

Roles and the permissions they grant users are crucial for our user to manage their teams on a daily basis. This topic has inspired a lot of feedback over the years. The number one feedback was simple: “I want to give some members more permissions, but not all of the permissions that an admin has”. In a nutshell, there needed to be a intermediary role between admin and member.

Well… we did just that! There is a now a new coordinator role which you can assign to your users. Coordinators have full latitude to operate tickets, routines and KPIs in their teams – but they lack the admin permissions to configure the team and make structural changes to it. You can find all the details about this role in the documentation here.

But we didn't stop at that. Along with the creation of this new role, here's a list of other improvements to roles and permissions that will be effective as of July 1st 2024:

  • We've merged the admin and owner roles at team level. These roles were very similar, and the subtle difference was neither understood nor deemed useful by many users.
  • While it may not be visible, we've done A LOT of work under the hood to better manage and handle roles and permissions. In the future, this will make it much simpler to apply permissions to new features and perhaps create new roles!

Please be aware this feature will only be available for certain plans (Advanced and Enterprise). For more info, contact our team.

ℹ️ Important

On July 1st, other than owners becoming admins, nothing will change in your environments. Other roles (member, auditor) remain unchanged. Team admins will have the ability to assign the new role to the users that they choose.

Management and standardization of properties

Properties are essential to making sure your data is properly and precisely qualified. What helps is when those properties are clear and well organized, without redundant values. Unfortunately, that is not the case in many of our customers’ environments.

To help you better manage these properties, we'll also introduce two improvements starting July 1st:

  • Define creation permissions for all properties. As is currently the case for categories, statuses, and labels, you'll be able to define for any property type (e.g. equipment, product, etc.) which roles are permitted to create new values.
  • Lock standard properties. Want to set a company-wide standard property values? Organization admins will now be able to lock certain property values so that no other role has the permission to modify them.

⏰ To save you time:

  • Encourage users to create a ticket directly from a routine step. If an answer is Not OK (NOK) for a routine step, the ticket creation button will nudge the user to encourage them to report the issue in a ticket. Please note that this improvement must be activated in the settings of the specific routine step by the team admin.
  • Edit spacer text directly in the widget. Once team admins activate the edit mode of the dashboard, they can now edit the text of the spacer widget directly from the widget, avoiding the need to go into the settings just for a text change. This makes it easier to edit/amend the text in the widget, requiring fewer clicks for users.

If you want to share some feedback with us, don’t hesitate to click on “give feedback” directly at fabriq.